Tier | 30-day trading volume (USD) | Maker fee | Taker fee |
Your trading fees are determined by trailing 30-day volume. All volume is converted to USD using the exchange rate of the digital asset at the time of the transaction. Transactions in non-USD base pair markets are also converted. Your 30-day trading volume is calculated every day at 00:00 (UTC+8).
Transaction fees are charged in the asset you purchase. For example, if you buy BTC/USD the fee is charged in BTC. Currently all transaction fee rates are positive or 0. Negative transaction fees may be offered in the future as the form of transaction fee rebates. Rebates are paid in the asset you sold. For example, if you buy BTC/USD the rebate is paid in USD.
Example of transaction fees charged and rebated:
Let's say, you trade BTC/USD and buy 5 BTC with a transaction fee rate of 0.1%. In this case, you pay a transaction fee amount = 5 BTC * 0.1% = 0.005 BTC.
Or you trade BTC/USD and buy 5 BTC at the price of 30,000 USD for 1 BTC. Your transaction fee rate of -0.01% effectively means a transaction fee rebate rate of 0.01%. In this case, you receive a transaction fee rebate amount = 5 BTC * 30,000 USD * 0.01% = 15 USD.
If you are a professional market maker, contact us at capitalmarkets@okcoin.com to learn more about available incentives.
Margin interest rates fluctuate in real time between the highest and lowest possible daily rates, depending on supply and demand. These rates only apply to people using Okcoin.
Certain payment types require a specific fee
For Brazilian customers trading in BRL, there is a 1% fee for buying.
Payment types | Fee |
Selling from a trading account requires a specific fee
Deposit account | Fee |
Okcoin offers a variety of deposit and withdrawal channels. Fee details can be viewed here.
If you selected Okcoin as your third-party provider, see the detailed fees below: